
Our standard package includes web and email hosting, Zuluru administration, DNS and domain registration. This is everything that a small organization requires to operate on a day-to-day basis. (For more information about the specifics of these, please see the Services page.) Annual fee of $100, billed at the start of your billing year, plus $2/game, billed seasonally as your leagues wrap up.

All prices are in Canadian dollars.


For a limited time, there is no charge for initial site configuration, database setup, transfer of domain registration, creation of email accounts, etc. If you have an existing membership database, we can usually convert that for you with no loss of data, on an hourly basis.


Charges may apply for requested customizations. These are handled on a case-by-case basis, and are typically decided based on whether the changes are broadly applicable and benefit many clients. No billable work is ever done without the client approving a quote.

Site Design and CMS Integration

Due to the highly variable nature of these types of projects, there is no way to set a fixed price. However, for a limited time, we are offering discounts from our standard hourly rate on any such work.

Payment Plans

We understand that this is typically a business with seasonal highs and lows in your revenue stream, and will work with you to find a convenient billing period.